Saturday, December 13, 2014

Nick & Charles' Current Event

Washington National Cathedral hosts Muslim prayer service
First time in the Washington National Cathedral will host a Muslim prayer service
The Cathedral is famous for hosting presidential funerals and other national religious services
The service will be for the Muslims midday prayers
They will deliver the Khutbah or sermon

A dramatic moment in the world and in the Muslim-Christian relations
oChristians are supporting Muslims and their way for religious freedom
  Showing that two different religions can all put their differences away and share a common goal for religious freedom in the world
People do not like the idea where we bury past presidents and national heroes.
A dramatic moment in the world and in the Muslim-Christian relations
oChristians are supporting Muslims and their way for religious freedom
  Showing that two different religions can all put their differences away and share a common goal for religious freedom in the world
People do not like the idea where we bury past presidents and national heroes.


  1. Its fascinating to see how the Catholic Church is incorporating other religious sects into their own community. Its great to see two major religions collaborate with one another, and form one community of faith.

  2. This is very moving to me. It shows a little bit of light on how two religions can accept each other and pray together in the US. Also, it's very interesting how this is happening in Washington, D.C., the capital of the United States. Ever since the 9/11 attacks, Muslims, for years, have been mistreated a lot. Now, Christians are making a pathway for Muslims to pray with them and settle their differences. Moments like these are rare to look at; especially in a world in which some countries don't have any religious freedom.

  3. This is a great representation of ELE. One religion is respecting another and letting them practice in their house. I feel like if more people were like this then it would be much easier to get along with people. There would be less world crisis and it would just be better to live in a world where people are accepting. Even though this was a one time thing there still is a possibility for ELE down the road.

  4. This is an excellent example of what two religions should do: sharing their beliefs and practicing them with one another. I wish everyone could be like this, but it just won't happen. It would be easier if everyone got along and we all lived in peace.

  5. I believe this is a crucial changing point in history when it comes to all the religous violence in the middle east. Of course you can't make a generalization when it comes to any religion, especially since there are many different sects. But to those who are extremist who look to kill people of other faiths, this realization may be a turning point to such individuals.

  6. This adventurous journey both requires the risk and acceptance, however, this is a wonderful example of ELE. As Brian mentioned, accepting mistreated Muslims is a diffcult task to do, as well as the higher risk is assumed.The only hope that I have in this journey is to continue to understand each other's religion, as well as to maintain with peace. Once this journey is succeed, they will be the frontier of brilliant religion.

  7. Muslims have had a lot of difficulties in the U.S., where they have often become associated with extremist groups causing terror, but this nation was founded on the ideas of freedom and equality, and this act is a testament to those ideas. I am sure that if Jesus and Muhammad (peace be upon him) met, they would deal peaceably with one another, so it is great to see their respective followers do likewise.

  8. I think it's a good idea to have a Muslim worship in the National Cathedral. This can be a sacred time in history not only for religious purposes, but political ones as well. A lot of people forget the fact that America was founded on the basis that everyone is free to worship whatever religion they so choose. That was one of the major reasons the Pilgrims even left England, to avoid religious persecution. Flash forward some centuries, and suddenly there is a growing group of people who forget this fact. Christianity/Catholicism is the most prevalent religion in the US, but not the official one. This shows that we do have religious tolerance and accept all of them as "American". It's a religious moment as well because it recognizes the connections between Islam and Christianity. They have the same roots and so should have the same rights.

  9. It's nice that Muslims were given a prayer service at the Washington Monument because it shows that this nation is starting to realize that muslims aren't responsible for 9/11. I see this as a sort of apology for the way that muslims were treated post 9/11, what with all the discrimination set towards them and the violence. This is a step in the right direction to maybe securing peace and straying from the violence and prejudice that we sometimes fall into.

  10. It’s nice to see more religious equality. I wish more people will treat people with equality. I can’t think of any more BS to write. Hi, Mr. Vidovich! Let’s see if the American people will want to call a drone strike on the Cathedral since there is a gathering of Muslims chanting in unison.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I think that while it is nice for the Cathedral to offer this kind of service to the Muslim community, it's somewhat overblown and unnecessary. While Muslims have been treated unfairly in the past over the past decade, having a prayer service just to try and create some form of an apology seems like the wrong way to fix their dilemma. The people who were persecuting them are likely no the Catholics who would attend a service like this, and to think of this service as smoothing everything over seems irresponsible. If they want an intersection between their faiths that's fine, but this seems more hyped up than it should be.

  13. Like Christianity is supporting Muslims to practice their religious belief in Christian countries, Muslims now also need to change their point of view, and try to be friendly with Christianity so that everyone in the world can safely serve their God without any interruption. I really hope to see Christians/Catholics are allowed to practice their religion in Muslim countries as well.

  14. It was a very good idea to celebrate this in the cathedral. Practicing another religion in such a great place such as the cathedral. As the United States being the land of various religions, beliefs, and different races, and of true diversity. This shows that as a country, especially in Washington, we are able to acknowledge this. Very good idea, and I praise whoever's idea this was.

  15. I think it's great how catholic church is trying to incorportaing other religious. Great to see two religious share there beliefs and practicing them with one another

  16. It's great that these two religions are coming together to send out a message of religious freedom. Also celebrating the Muslim faith in a cathedral shows that different religions are accepting of each other and respect each other's beliefs. By doing this, it might encourage other countries to have religious freedom.

  17. This shows that conflicts between sedate religious groups don't run as deep as they used to. Hopefully people will eventually think no different of people in other religions.

  18. This just makes me believe that the world can maybe, perhaps in many years have one religion. Although is sounds crazy its possible and this story backs it up.
