Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Matt & Maristella's Current Event

•A New Zealander and two Burmese men running a bar in Yangon have been accused of insulting Buddhism over a flyer.
•This flyer appeared on the bar’s Facebook page and that’s when people started getting offended when they say it.
•(Most of Myanmar’s citizens are Buddhists)
•Burmese law makes it illegal to insult or damage any religion. Myanmar (also known as Burma) has been seeing a lot more people supporting Buddhism.
•Also Myanmar is a sovereign state in Southeast Asia.


  1. The solution to getting offended by an online flyer is that little x in the corner of the screen. Case dismissed.

  2. I think that they did not mean to hurt anyone with their flyer. I wish we could of seen a picture of a flyer so we know what it said. Because it is illegal they should ask what was harmed in their religion so they know what it happening before anything else happens. Or if they knew how to fix it before riots happen.

  3. This goes under beliefs I think. Buddhists have respect for life around them and revere the Buddha as a holy guide. To insult their religion is seen as a high offense both religiously and lawfully as discriminating against religion is illegal in Burma. Burma is a sovereign state in Asia and Asia holds the highest amount of Buddhists worldwide, so it's kind of a big deal to have this bar insult Buddhism. The bar itself might go against Buddhist beliefs since their not supposed to indulge in intoxicants.

  4. These two men should be ashamed of themselves. Why on earth would they post such a thing on their Facebook page? They should really have thought of what was on the flyer before they posted it, especially since Myanmar is full of Buddhists. Hopefully they learned their lesson and never do it again.

  5. I believe that people should have freedom of speech but when it comes to insulting religion for buiness in a buisness setting is not something you should be given the right to do.

  6. No religion should be looked down upon, since everyone has a right to having a certain religious affiliation. Its not right to say anything to put down other people's religions.

  7. The solution is to not be involved in it. Humans nowadays get so offended over something so petty. This is rather sad. I don’t know what happened along the way, but humans are so uncertain about their faith that any negative light in deep beliefs deeply upsets them. The topic is so pointless that finishing this comment is poi---

  8. I don't think that the flyers were meant to damage the religion, but how can government have that much control over what people say on the internet and if there was not intentional intent to damage or insult the religion.

  9. Well, these guys saw it coming. They should know better. In religion it's wrong, but, in economics, there's nothing wrong with it. Of course, businesses try to make a profit out of consumers. The only problem they should think about is if they're hurting anyone in any way possible.

  10. I think its an absolute travesty that in this day and age, their are such draconian laws as not being able to voice your opinion for fear of being slanderous. The problem is, while these laws may seem benign in intent, they are heavily restrictive of the countries free press, which is bad for the society as a whole. The pathetic part is, there are entire groups of Buddhist that openly work against the local Muslim population, but the government won't do a thing to stop them, yet will blow up over a minor offense such as this. A person's feelings end where another's rights begin, and this entire story seems like a bunch of people overreacting. If you don't like the business, just don't go there. It's that simple.

  11. The solution for this situation is every religion has their own beliefs, as well as each cultures are different in different religions. Therefore, when looking into an in-depth picture of Buddhist, we should be respectful to each religion rather than looking down upon.

  12. I don't think that the facebook flyers were suppose to insult buddhism in any way. I just think people are being too sensitive about the situation and just need to calm down.

  13. This insult seems to be unintentional and from this, something big became of it. Even though this wasn't meant to be insulting to anyone, it came out in a negative manner, people made a bigger deal of it than how it really was. Even trying to bring the attention of the law into the case, which is unnecessary.

  14. People or no one should insult other religion. Everyone need to get respect for whatever they believe and love. It should be strongly banned on posting such offensive stuff on social network service. Loving others like we love our family.

  15. What I think is the flyer wasnt meant to be mean in anyway or to any relgion. What I think is they should calm down because they just want attention from people.

  16. I understand why the flyer may have been insulting to some Buddhists but I don't think that they should have taken it to heart. The only reason the flyer was made and published was to encourage business for the bar and just because some people choose to stay sober does not mean that the bar should have to stop trying to enhance their sales.

  17. While it was rude for the. To have posted anything that could have been taken as a religious insult the law seems a bit Odd. People take offense to things all the time and we can't just punish everyone who accidentally insults another. This law seems to inhibit the citizens free speech.

  18. I believe that the flyer was made only for advertising the bar, and in no way was meant to insult Buddhists. Sometimes people insult others without meaning to and can't see the negative results of their actions before they make them. However, there is always the unknown of what the people were actually thinking. Until they say what their intentions were, we will never be certain about what their true intentions were.

  19. There is a line when it comes to freedom of speech and they went over it. Yes one can just ignore the flyer and just laugh at the fact that people can be so dumb. But, still why do that? Why cant some people just respect other religions and not go out of their way making a dumb flyer.
